7273 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $4,101.77B
24h Total Volume $2,003.21B

Binance Coin Binance Coin star

32.81 (6.40%)

The Binance Coin is an Ethereum-based token that allows users to receive a discount for any fees on the Binance platform, a pure cryptocurrency exchange that plans to create a decentralized exchange for blockchain assets. BNB also gives users access to special features and will be used to power the upcoming decentralized exchange.

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Market share 1.94%
Proof type
24h Open $512.44
24h Low $508.76
24h High $546.95
Price in BTC 0.00936749348768 BTC
Current Supply 145,934,224 BNB
Total Supply 200,000,000 BNB
Market cap $79,569,747,968
24h Volume (coin) 340,378 BNB
24h Volume (currency) $185,588,944
24h Total volume (coin) 1,213,264 BNB
24h Total volume (currency) $661.52M
Last updated 2024-09-12 10:12:22 +01:00 BST
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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